This section of St.Justin Martyr Parish's website describes the faceted glass windows that adorn St. Justin Martyr Parish. Individual windows within topical groupings will have the their liturgical significance explained by our Pastor, Father Paul Chovanec. Photographs of each window accompany the explanations of the windows. A complete look at all photographs can be seen by clicking on the "Photo Album" link on the upper right of this page.
The St. Justin Martyr window pictured above is the first of these many lovely faceted glass windows featured in the series. They were designed in 1985 by Ludwig Schermer, a liturgical artist who lived in Houston for many years.
High in the wall behind the altar stands the triptych, a triple window, dedicated to the patron of this parish, St. Justin Martyr (105-160 AD). His biography is available by clicking on the last section on the upper right of this web page. Also, a large statue of him stands in the vestibule of the church along with his biography.
The center of the triptych depicts St. Justin, holding the scroll of a teacher. The panel on the left shows an open book and a quill pen signifying his writings in defense of the Christian Faith. The right panel shows a chalice, symbolic of his writings about the Holy Eucharist, and a sword, symbolizing his death as a martyr.
The feast of St. Justin Martyr is June 1st. He is frequently invoked here in his parish with the simple recited prayer, "St. Justin Martyr, pray for us".
To view and read liturgical explanations of other windows by topic, click on the various section links on the upper right of this web page.
Window research, Liturgical explanations, and overall "Window Series" development by our Pastor:
Father Paul Chovanec
Photography, Web editing, and Web updating by: Webmaster